
跨信仰青年核心组织(IFYC)宣布, “We live at a time when people of different faith backgrounds are interacting with greater frequency than ever before. We hear the stories of people who seek to make faith a barrier of division or a bomb of destruction all too often. Instead, we view religious and philosophical traditions as bridges of cooperation. 我们的跨宗教运动建立了宗教多元化. We define religious pluralism as a world characterized by: Respect for people's diverse religious and non-religious identities, Mutually inspiring relationships between people of different backgrounds, 为共同利益而共同行动.“从 IFYC跨信仰青年核心.

的 跨宗教青年核心 has awarded UIW an “Interfaith Innovation Grant” starting in August 2017, 并为促进教育的努力提供资金, 理解与服务. uw加入了IYC, IYC认为“大学生, 得到校园的支持, can be the interfaith leaders needed to make religion a bridge and not a barrier.”


在华盛顿大学的和平杆周围, 基督徒, 穆斯林, Jews and others united for candle light vigil after an outbreak of violence in the world.

的 道成肉身的大学 Mission Statement says, “的 道成肉身的大学 is a Catholic institution that welcomes to its community persons of diverse backgrounds, in the belief that their respectful interaction advances the discovery of truth, 相互了解, 自我实现与共同利益.” “Diverse backgrounds,” including interfaith diversity, is held as a positive value.

的 Mission also notes aiming “to educate men and women who will become concerned and enlightened citizens within the global community.” 道成肉身的大学 students and 教师 come from over seventy different countries. Members of the UIW community have wonderful opportunities to learn from each other's cultures and traditions. 欲知详情,请浏览 uw的数字.



佛教是在亚洲发展起来的哲学. 这两个追随者都被称为佛教徒, people of other faiths and of no faith are enriched by its ideas and practices. 欲知详情,请浏览 初学佛教 读一下 这里的佛教节日.



最古老的宗教是印度教. A number of UIW 教师 and students are of the Hindu tradition. 欲知详情,请浏览 印度教初菠菜评级. 的y enrich our campus with annual Diwali festival with the beauty of lights and ideas of good triumphing over evil.



UIW students learn at the Muslim Children Education and Civic Center

UIW students learn at the Muslim Children Education and Civic Center.

的 Islamic tradition respects the various messengers from God, 比如亚伯拉罕, 摩西和耶稣, and especially Mohammad who brought the revelations of the Quran. 更多地了解伊斯兰教,更多地了解 这里的伊斯兰节日

Syrian and Ethiopian Orthodox 基督徒 participate in the blessing of the Holy Land garden on the UIW campus

Syrian and Ethiopian Orthodox 基督徒 participate in the blessing of the Holy Land garden on the UIW campus.

的 道成肉身的大学 is a Catholic school. 的 church founded by Jesus Christ has many expressions in Roman Catholicism, 东正教和新教.



犹太教, Christianity and Islam are called Abrahamic traditions that developed from similar roots in the Middle East. 他们肯定了一位富有同情心的造物主. 了解更多关于犹太教和关于 犹太节日.

Sikhs are respected for lovingly serving Langor, a meal for anyone who comes. All share the same food and sit on the same level revealing that the Creator has made all people equal. Sikhism was founded by Guru Nanuk in India and is the fifth largest religion in the world.

了解更多关于锡克教语 以及他们的锡克教节日.


“世界在燃烧. . .” an exhibit by the Sikhs at the Parliament of World Religions proclaimed.

All people are called to recognize the challenges of poverty, 气候变化, 暴力和团结成人类大家庭. 的 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are ways of helping us to work together globally for the common good.

A class of UIW students were involved in inaugurating the 同情宪章 in San Antonio, 德州, 2009年11月在UIW. 的 同情宪章 has wisdom from the heart of the world's great religions and philosophies. With many people working together, the movement grew in San Antonio. 圣安东尼奥市议会通过了 富有同情心的城市决议 2017年6月22日一致通过.

富有同情心的圣安东尼奥 是一场草根运动其中的市政府, 宗教和志愿组织, 的企业, the community and its educational institutions come together to recognize the importance and value of compassion in the life of a city and by doing so create an ethos of compassion and a safety net for its most vulnerable citizens.


威斯康星大学“诞生于公民参与.” In the 1860's the San Antonio mayor asked for help because there was no public healthcare. 然后是三个年轻的法国女人, the first Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word of San Antonio, 德州, 回应并建立了我们城市的第一家医院. 的 University is rooted in this history of compassionate care for the sick, 孤儿和没受过教育的人. We continue developing innovative and compassionate service in light of today's pressing needs.


We encourage you to do service uniting with people of different faiths and serving people of different faiths. 学习各种 社区合作伙伴 谁寻求服务.

UIW is a Catholic school and because of that promotes interfaith understanding. To learn of growing interfaith awareness and encouragement in the Catholic Church, 参见 斯卡伯勒任务.

多元化的项目 at Harvard University has extensive resources for learning about the great variety of religious traditions in the USA.

的 跨宗教青年核心 offers ways that students can become leaders in the interfaith movement and campuses can be models for society. 访问 跨宗教青年核心 了解更多关于不同信仰的故事.


Some of the UIW 教师 who participated in the 2017-18 “Interfaith Literacy, 流利, 和服务"由玛莎·安·柯克修女领导的队伍, 宗教研究, Dr. Lopita Nath,历史,博士. 教与学中心的苏珊·霍尔. In April 2018 they shared on what they and students had learned and on interfaith service that had been done. 在一年内, over a thousand people had benefited with growing interfaith awareness and experiences.